As a third-country national, knowing the Greek language and understanding the social and cultural characteristics of the country are valuable tools that may assist you in finding a job and becoming an integral part of Greek society.

You can enroll in Greek language courses in the following learning centers, some of which also offer general education courses for adults.

  • The Integration Training Centers of Project HELIOS are part of Project HELIOS which is implemented by the International Organization of Migration. The Integration Centers teach integration courses to those who are registered in project HELIOS, are older than sixteen (16) years of age and are not attending formal public education in Greece.
  • The integration classes offered are part of an unofficial education that includes instruction in Greek language, culture, and civilization as well as European culture and civilization (cultural orientation). The Integration Centers also teach professional skills and life competencies to bolster job readiness.
  • Read more about Project HELIOS in this link.


Lifelong Learning Centers

  • The Lifelong Learning Centers (LLC- ΚΔΒΜ) of the Ministry of Education and Religion provide informal education to adults. In the context of a general education curriculum, the Centers also offer Greek language lessons to migrants. The Lifelong Learning Centers were established and operate in municipalities, under Law 4763/2020.
  • You can enroll in LLC (ΚΔΒΜ) classes if you are an adult, irrespective of your gender, education level, country of origin, your religion, your residence, or your age. In order to participate, you have to be interested in learning and willing to actively engage with the content of the courses.
  • In order to ensure everyone's equal access, priority is given to members of vulnerable groups, migrants and residents of secluded or difficult to access geographical areas.
  • Apart from Greek language lessons, you can also enroll in courses of the following subject areas: finance, entrepreneurship, quality of life, environment, new technologies, language and communication, social skills and activities, civilization and art, counseling for parents, programs for vulnerable groups and Greek language lessons for migrants.


The Modern Greek Language Teaching Center

  • The Modern Greek Language Teaching Center of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens offers modern Greek language lessons to natives, foreigners, repatriates and spouses of Greek nationals who have completed their secondary education (high school diploma).
  • The Center teaches modern Greek as a second foreign language and offers B2 level certification (to those that are interested as well as prospective foreign students of Greek Universities). The Center also includes Greek culture and civilization issues in its curriculum for foreign students.


Center for the Greek Language

  • The Centre for the Greek Language which is supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religion, collaborates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its purpose is to reinforce and promote the Greek language in Greece and abroad. It also organizes the instruction of the Greek language to natives and foreigners.

  • More specifically, the Department of Support and Promotion of the Center of Greek Language:

    • Organizes certification exams in Greek language competency.
    • Conducts research programs that relate to the instruction of Greek as a second foreign language.
    • Provides supporting teaching materials for theory and practice.
    • Offers direction to ensure alignment of teaching materials and content with certification exams. It also provides direction for the development of teaching syllabi.
    • Provides reliable information on certification exams.
    • Offers a public discussion forum for Instructors.


Non-Government Organizations


Second Chance Schools

If you are eighteen (18) years of age or older, have completed six years of Primary Education, but have not completed the first three years of Secondary Educatory (which are obligatory) you can enroll in Second Chance Schools (article 67, law 4763/2020) to complete your Junior High School education. These Schools offer preparation courses for the Junior High School diploma exam (diploma for first three years of High School). They also provide Greek language courses to migrants and refugees.


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Viber Community

 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

The Ministry of Migration and asylum has created a Viber Community in order to provide accurate and timely information regarding issues of migration and asylum. Please click on the following link, or scan the QR code in order to connect: