Κ.Υ.Τ & Κ.Ε.Δ.
Τα Κέντρα Υποδοχής και Ταυτοποίησης (ΚΥΤ) και οι Κλειστές Ελεγχόμενες Δομές (ΚΕΔ), αποτελούν Περιφερειακές Υπηρεσίες της Υπηρεσίας Υποδοχής και Ταυτοποίησης. Ο σκοπός λειτουργίας τους, είναι η αποτελεσματική πραγματοποίηση των διαδικασιών καταγραφής, ταυτοποίησης και εξακρίβωσης των στοιχείων, του ιατρικού ελέγχου, του εντοπισμού ευαλωτότητας, της παροχής ενημέρωσης σχετικά με τα δικαιώματα και τις υποχρεώσεις και της πλήρους καταγραφής αιτημάτων για διεθνή προστασία, των Πολιτών Τρίτων Χωρών / Ανιθαγενών, η προσωρινή φιλοξενία των αιτούντων άσυλο καθώς και η τυχόν περαιτέρω παραπομπή τους σε έτερη δομή του εθνικού συστήματος υποδοχής για την παροχή των κατάλληλων συνθηκών υποδοχής.
Τα ΚΥΤ και οι ΚΕΔ λειτουργούν σε επίπεδο Τμήματος και υπάγονται στη Διεύθυνση Κ.Υ.Τ. και Κ.Ε.Δ. ενώ διαρθρώνονται στα κάτωθι διακριτά Κλιμάκια:
- Units
- of Nationality Identification and Verification
- Medical Screening and Psychosocial Support Unit
- Information Provision Unit
- External Security and Safety Unit
Ο Διοικητής των ΚΥΤ/ΚΕΔ προΐσταται των Κλιμακίων Διοικητικής Μέριμνας, Ιατρικού Ελέγχου και Ψυχοκοινωνικής Υποστήριξης καθώς και του Κλιμακίου Ενημέρωσης, ενώ έχει τη γενική εποπτεία λειτουργίας του εκάστοτε κέντρου.
Reception and Identification Centers (RIC)
Third-country and stateless individuals who enter the country illegally are placed in Reception and Identification Centers (R.I.C.) where they temporarily reside until they undergo procedures of reception and identification and to submit application for international protection (asylum).
Στα Κ.Υ.Τ. οι εισερχόμενοι πολίτες τρίτων χωρών ή ανιθαγενείς τελούν σε καθεστώς περιορισμού της ελευθερίας τους προκειμένου να υπαχθούν στις διαδικασίες υποδοχής και ταυτοποίησης, με ανώτατο όριο τις είκοσι πέντε (25) μέρες, από την είσοδό τους στο ΚΥΤ. Υπάγονται επίσης σε γεωγραφικό περιορισμό σύμφωνα με την υπ. αριθμ. 1140/19 (ΦΕΚ 4736 Β/20-12-2019) απόφαση του Υπουργού Προστασίας του Πολίτη, με σκοπό τη διευκόλυνση υλοποίησης της από 18-3-2016 κοινής δήλωσης Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης-Τουρκίας, τη διαχείριση του πληθυσμού των αιτούντων διεθνή προστασία εντός της ελληνικής επικράτειας, καθώς επίσης και την ταχεία επεξεργασία και αποτελεσματική παρακολούθηση των αιτήσεων παροχής διεθνούς προστασίας.
New arrivals through the islands are also subject to restrictions of free movement within the island, facilitating the implementation of the EU-Turkey Joint Agreement.
In R.I.C. and C.C.A.C. there are conditions in place to ensure that residents are protected physically, legally and emotionally.
All third country nationals or stateless persons subject to reception and identification procedures and residing in RIC shall be provided with food, accommodation, medical care, security, proper sanitary conditions, clothing, footwear and personal hygiene items
In each stage of the reception and identification procedures, a third country national or stateless person may express his/her willingness to lodge an application for international protection.
Once the reception and identification procedures are completed, the recently arrived third country nationals are transferred from the R.I.C.. to inland facilities. Then they are referred to the competent Regional Asylum Office or Asylum Unit, if they have expressed a wish to submit an applicatiion for international protection or are referred to the competent authorities for readmission or return or deportation in the event of not wishing to submit an application of international protection.
- Pili, Kos, 85300
- ris.ccac.kos@migration.gov.gr
- 213 138 3113 (Secretariat)
- 213 138 3100 (Director)
- 213 138 3101 (Deputy Director)
CCAC Leros
- Xirokampos Leros 85400
- ris.ccac.leros@migration.gov.gr
- 213 138 3002 (Secretariat)
- 213 138 3000 (Director)
- 213 138 3001 (Deputy Director)
CCAC Lesvos
- Kara Tepes (Pedio Volis), Mavrovouni 81100, Lesvos
- ris.ccac.lesvos@migration.gov.gr
- 213 138 3202 (Secretariat)
- 213 138 3200 (Director)
- 213 138 3001 (Deputy Director)
CCAC Samos
- Zervou Area, 83100, Samos
- ris.ccac.samos@migration.gov.gr
- 213 138 3313 (Secretariat)
- 213 138 3300 (Director)
- 213 138 3301 (Deputy Director)
RIC Filakio
- Filakio, Orestiada, 68200
- ris.ric.fylakio@migration.gov.gr
- 213 138 3400 (Secretariat)
- 213 138 3401 (Director)
- 213 138 3402 (Deputy Director)
CCAC Chios
- Chalkios, Chios, 82100
- ris.ccac.chios@migration.gov.gr
- 22710 69910 (Secretariat)
- 22710 69240 (Director)
- 22710 69250 (Deputy Director)
ΚΥΤ & ΕΔΠΦΑΑ Διαβατών
- Miliatary Camp Anagnostopoulou, Palea Simahiki Odos Oreokastro Diavata, Thessaloniki, 57 008
- ris.ric.diavata@migration.gov.gr
- 213 138 3602 (Secretariat)
- 213 138 3600 (Director)
- 213 138 3601 (Deputy Director)
ΚΥΤ & ΕΔΠΦΑΑ Μαλακάσας
- Camp "Gerakini", Malakasa, 19011
- ris.ric.malakasa@migration.gov.gr
- 213 138 5005 (Secretariat)
- 213 138 5000 (Director)
- 213 138 5024 (Deputy Director)
Closed Controlled Access Centers (C.C.A.C.)
Εντός των ΚΕΔ λειτουργούν Κέντρο Υποδοχής και Ταυτοποίησης (ΚΥΤ), δομή προσωρινής φιλοξενίας καθώς και διακριτοί χώροι με τις κατάλληλες προδιαγραφές για την παραμονή υπηκόων τρίτων χωρών ή ανιθαγενών που ανήκουν σε ευάλωτες ομάδες. Ειδικότερα, σε περιπτώσεις ασυνόδευτων ανηλίκων παρέχεται φιλοξενία σε διακριτούς χώρους που λειτουργούν ως «ασφαλείς ζώνες» (Safe Area). Σε διακριτό χώρο εντός των ΚΕΔ μπορεί επίσης, να λειτουργεί Προαναχωρησιακό Κέντρο Κράτησης Αλλοδαπών (ΠΡΟ.ΚΕ.Κ.Α.), υπό τη διοίκηση της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας.
C.C.A.C. offer accommodation and material support to third country nations who: a) express their will to submit an application for international protection within the territory of Greece, b) family members of international protection applicants, if they are covered in the context of this application according to Greek law c) minors (including unaccompanied minors), as well as separated minors, irrespective of whether they have submitted an international protection application d) individuals who are participants in voluntary return programs e) individuals who are in the process of return and whose deportation has been postponed f) beneficiaries of international protection for the time period they are permitted to stay in C.C.A.C.I. (according to paragraph 1 of article 114 of law 4636/2019 and the regulations of operation of the Reception and identification Centers).
Third-country nationals undergo reception and identification procedures in the Reception and Identification Center within the C.C.A.C. When the above procedures are complete and during their stay in the C.C.A.C., they have the right of freedom of movement ((according to article 45 of law 4636/2019, taking into account article 46 of law 4636/2019); they may freely move in specified areas to enable the smooth operation of C.C.A.C.
Residents have the right to enter and exit C.C.A.C. and according to the schedule of operation of C.C.A.C. which is set by the Governor of RIS.
Electronic cards are used to enter and exit the C.C.A.C. Residents are required to follow the schedule of operation when they exit the facilities and are not allowed to spend the night outside the facilities. If a resident is not found within the facilities during regular audits and according to the schedule of operation, for two times consecutively, their material and accommodation benefits may be ceased, according to article 61 of law 4939/2022.
Psychological Support
Communication with third parties
Παράπονα προσωρινά διαμενόντων
Presence of representatives from International Organizations

Πρόγραμμα Εθελοντικής Επιστροφής ΕΛ.ΑΣ.

Ελληνική Αστυνομία - Διαδικασίες απέλασης
(Government Gazette 2219 / issue B '/ 10-06-2019)
(General Regulations for the Operation of Reception and Identification Centers and Mobile Reception and Identification Units.)
The subject of this General Regulation is the regulation of the internal structure and operation of the Reception and Identification Centers and the Mobile Reception and Identification Units. In particular, the reception and identification procedures, the rights and obligations of third-country nationals and stateless persons subject to these procedures, as well as the general rules of temporary residence at the facilities of the Reception and Identification Centers are described in detail.
(Government Gazette 51 / issue A '/ 03-04-2016)
Organization and operation of the Asylum Service, Appeals Authority, Reception and Identification Service, establishment of the General Secretariat for Reception, adaptation of the Greek Legislation to the provisions of Directive 2013/32 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on international protection regime (reprint) ”(L 180 / 29.6.2013), provisions for the employment of beneficiaries of international protection and other provisions.
- By joint decision of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, Reception and Identification Centers are established in border areas of Greece in which this is deemed necessary, taking into account the number of entrants without legal formalities. In the Reception and Identification Centers, there may be a Regional Asylum Office or an Independent unit or a Mobile division of the Asylum Service.
- By joint decision of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, Reception and Identification Centers are established in areas of the hinterland, for the needs of the reception and identification procedures.
- By decision of the Director of the Service, Mobile Reception and Identification Units may be established in places of the State, where it is deemed necessary to provide reception and identification services, especially in case of entry of a large number of persons without legal formalities, whose referral to the Center it is not immediately feasible or appropriate.
Reinforcement of human resources in the First Reception Centers
(100% funded by the Emergency Assistance Fund of the Internal Security Fund, EMAS ISF)
Title: “Reinforcement of human resources in First Reception Centers ", as the beneficiary, through the signed Grant Agreement with the European Commission.
The Project was funded by the Emergency Assistance Fund of the Internal Security Fund - Borders 100% and its duration was eleven (11) months with a start date of April 1, 2016, while it was completed on February 28, 2017, according to the amendment that took place in terms of the time horizon of the eligibility period.
The Program aimed at covering the staffing costs of the First Reception Centers located in the Greek territory in order to strengthen the reception capacity of the country for the effective management of the PCs. entering it illegally.
In general, the Program proved necessary for the First Reception Centers to become fully operational, significantly increasing the number of specialized personnel related to the Reception and Asylum procedures and which also participated in other important processes taking place within the Reception Centers.
Summing up, regarding the impact on the target group, the implementation of the Program ensured the existence of a protected and safe environment in the context of providing reception services to the residents of the First Reception Centers.