Unaccompanied minors

If you are an unaccompanied minor, i.e., you are under the age of eighteen (18) and you are not accompanied in Greece by your parents, or by an adult responsible for your care according to Greek law, the competent authorities, such as the Reception and Identification Service, the Asylum Service, and the Hellenic Police, must immediately inform the competent services of the General Secretariat for Vulnerable Citizens and Institutional Protection of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum and the competent public Prosecutor, in order to appoint a legal person responsible for your affairs (guardian). If you are accompanied by an adult relative, who makes you feel safe, your adult relative may additionally be entrusted with your care.
The General Secretariat for Vulnerable Citizens and Institutional Protection in cooperation with the competent public Prosecutor, will appoint a legal person as a guardian to represent you, help you lodge an application for international protection and look after your accommodation and welfare. The legal person will appoint guardianship appointees, which are people who have the necessary knowledge and experience to carry out their duties in a way that ensures your best interests, protects your rights, and safeguards your interests.
In addition, you may have a lawyer or other counsellor appointed as your representative by the accommodation facility, by yourself, or by a competent organisation.
If you are under fifteen (15) years of age, the application for international protection must be lodged by your representative. If you are over fifteen (15) years of age, you may, if you wish, lodge your application yourself.
The Asylum Service will set an interview date and you will receive the International Protection Applicant Card that allows you to stay legally in Greece until the processing of your asylum application is complete. You should pay close attention to the expiry and renewal date of your card, as well as the date of your interview.
You will be informed by your guardian or representative about the interview. Your guardian or representative will be invited and may be present at the interview. Your guardian or representative will arrange for your legal assistance and representation, as well as for any action required during the procedure and after the completion of the examination of your application for international protection, especially if you are under fifteen (15) years of age; however, your presence is also required for a number of actions.
The competent authorities may ask you to undergo medical examinations, in order to determine your age. You and your guardian must be informed of this procedure and both you and your guardian must agree to it.
The General Secretariat for Vulnerable Citizens and Institutional Protection of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum will arrange for you to stay in special accommodation centres for minors or in other types of shelter suitable for minors or in a family that will assume your care. If you have siblings, you will stay with your siblings, considering your best interests. Accommodation shelters are houses with several rooms and 15 to 40 children stay there, in separate buildings for boys and girls, unless they are under 12 years old. If you are sixteen (16) years of age or older, you may stay in supervised apartments with three other minors until you reach adulthood. If you have relatives, the Reception and Identification Service in collaboration with the General Secretariat for Vulnerable Citizens and Institutional Protection will arrange for you to stay with them if that is what you wish.
If you do not have a safe shelter, you may call the telephone line of the National Emergency Response Mechanism, which will immediately arrange for you to be placed in a shelter for minors. The telephone line operates 24/7 (Monday to Thursday from 22:00 – 08:00, Friday from 22:00 – 11:00 on Saturday morning, Saturday from 19:00 – 08:00 on Monday morning and on national holidays); the contact numbers are: (+30) 2132128888 & (+30) 6942773030 on WhatsApp or Viber.
Along with your International Protection Applicant Card, a Provisional Insurance and Health Care Number (PAAYPA) will be issued, giving you access to the country’s public health care system. You may also be given a Tax Identification Number (AFM) in order to access vocational training and the labour market, open a bank account, or access other benefits, provided all the conditions are met.
All children must attend school until they are at least sixteen (16) years of age and may continue until they complete all grades in the national education system. Your guardian or representative will assist you with enrolling.
The General Secretariat for Vulnerable Citizens and Institutional Protection will try to locate your family members, in cooperation with the competent authorities, international organisations and your guardian or representative, if that is what you wish.
If a member of your family is legally present in another European country that applies the Dublin III Regulation, then you can request during the registration and examination of your asylum application to go to that country so that your application for international protection can be examined there.