Comment by the Press Office of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum to the New York Times

Greece protects and will continue to protect the external borders of the European Union, in accordance with national and international law. Protecting Europe from irregular arrivals is a priority for the European Council, as concluded. While, under the EU/Turkey joint statement such flows should be prevented before departure, smuggling networks continue to put, daily, lives at risk. This model must stop.

The EU is working on concrete measures to safeguard Europe’s security, reinforce the EU’s external borders, while promoting legal pathways for eligible applicants. We work closely with the European Commission, EUAA, FRA and Frontex on all migration related issues.

All allegations are being investigated by Greece and is worth reminding the fake allegations against Greece for a «dead child» in Evros. An incident reported but then retracted by media and NGOs. Incidents investigated to-date identified no wrongdoings by the Greek authorities.

Greece has appointed a Fundamental Rights Officer and has approved an Action plan, with the EU, to monitor compliance with Fundamental rights. Progress reports on implementation have been conducted and positively assessed by the Agency in the previous Frontex Management Board in Stockholm.

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