Mitarachi – Frontex Meeting: Agreement on cooperation in voluntary returns of irregular migrants   

Greece and the Ministry of Migration and Asylum reached an agreement with Frontex on a series of activities which are expected to bring better results in the process of returning irregular migrants to their countries of origin.  

Specifically, on Monday, the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi, met with the Deputy Executive Director of Frontex, responsible for Returns, Mr. Lars Gerdes, where the agreement of both sides was confirmed for the full implementation of an integrated plan, in order to strengthen actions for voluntary returns.  

Frontex will provide tools and technical support, at an administrative and operational level, throughout the process followed for voluntary returns. The relevant action plan is expected to be signed in the next few days in Brussels and immediately afterwards a Special Group will be set up to monitor its implementation, in which the European Return Center of FRONTEX and officials of the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum and the Hellenic Police will participate. 

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