The Fundamental Rights Officer at the Ministry of Migration and Asylum was appointed

Mr. Konstantinos Solkidis was appointed as the Fundamental Rights Officer at the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, following an open invitation and a series of interviews after the decision of the Evaluation Committee in charge whose members include representatives from the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, the Ministry of Citizen Protection, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, the Hellenic National Commission for Human Rights and the Greek Ombudsman.

The Fundamental Rights Officer shall cooperate with the Task Force for Fundamental Rights Compliance which was recently established with the cooperation of the European Commission and its main object shall be responsible for monitoring the procedures and implementation of national, Union and international legislation in the fields of border protection and international protection.

Brief Curriculum Vitae:

Konstantinos Solkidis was born in 1966 in Thessaloniki and is a graduate of the School of Law of the Faculty of Law and Economics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). 

He holds a Master’s Degree in Public International Law – Specialized in International Studies from the Department of Law of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) and holds a Master of Arts “MA Applied Strategy and International Security”, from the University of Plymouth of the United Kingdom.

He is a graduate of the Hellenic Military Academy of Combat Support Officers, the Supreme Joint War College, the Hellenic National Defense College, the International Military Course on the Law of Armed Conflicts [(International Institute of Humanitarian Law), San Remo-Italy] and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) Course on International Law for Military Legal Advisers (Vienna-Austria).

During his career in the Armed Forces Legal Corps (retired Major General), he was among others Director of Military Legal Adviser’s Office of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff, of the Hellenic Army General Staff, of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff and of the General Directorate of National Defense Policy and International Relations of the Ministry of National Defense.

In the past, he was also an Observer of the European Union in support of the electoral process in the first multiracial elections in South Africa as well as a Member of the Migration/Refugee Project Management Group, which was responsible for planning, organization and implementation of the transfer and settlement of asylum seekers from the Aegean islands to the mainland as well as finding and checking suitable, sustainable and large-scale accommodation structures in the country as a whole, in order to renovate or establish facilities, with the care of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), so that they are suitable for the settlement of refugees and migrants.

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