Bilateral Agreement between Greece and Switzerland to support our country in actions concerning unaccompanied minors

On the sidelines of the 2nd European Conference on Border Management, the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi, and the State Secretary for Migration of the Swiss Confederation, Mrs. Christine Schraner Burgener, signed today in Athens, the first support measure for our country in the migration field, in the framework of the implementation of the Swiss – Greek cooperation programme. 

This agreement follows on from the bilateral Framework Agreement on support for Greece, which was signed by the Minister of Migration and Asylum and the former Minister of Justice and Police and current Minister of Finance of the Swiss Confederation, Karin Keller-Sutter in Luxembourg on 14 October 2022. 

This first measure concerns the funding of emergency accommodation facilities for unaccompanied minors and will involve the continued operation of 240 accommodation positions in the mainland. 

Under the October Framework Agreement, the Swiss Confederation will make a total contribution of € 40 million. In addition, other measures will be promoted in the upcoming period to upgrade Accommodation Facilities and asylum services, as well as to strengthen voluntary returns to countries of origin on the one hand, and integration actions for recognized refugees on the other. 

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