Raising Awareness towards the Elimination of Violence against Women

HELIOS Newsletter Oct '22 - Jan '23

A series of events around Greece were organized in the scope of HELIOS on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, aiming to raise awareness among beneficiaries and the general public against gender-based violence (GBV) and engage with
communities to address socio-cultural barriers while ensuring equitable access of women and girls to information and specialized service provision when needed.

Guided tours were held in Ancient Agora in Athens as part of the project “Multaka – Intercultural Tours”, focusing on the social position of women in Ancient Greece, and their right of participation in the special Panathenaea festivity. The tours were designed by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, the Ministry of Culture and Sports and Athens Municipality and were implemented by ADDMA.

An empowering creative writing workshop was organized at Kipos Seminaria in Thessaloniki, together with Intellectum Publications and Diotima. Following a reading of relevant literature and a discussion, the 17 refugee and local women attendees, under the guidance of the specialized facilitators, expressed in a short creative text how they dreamed of their future self and the future position of women in society.

In Larissa, a workshop on defining and preventing GBV was organized at the local ILC with the participation of representatives from the Shelter for Women Victims of GBV and/or Multiple Discrimination, the Cultural Mediator of the Community Center and the Legal
Advisor of the Counseling Center of Larissa Municipality. Attendees were informed on GBV forms and related legal framework and shared their own experiences. 

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